Rocacorba and Jan Frodeno collaborate with the hospital staff at Girona Hospital with 50 burgers daily.


❌ On March 14, the state of alarm in Catalonia was decreed due to Covid-19. For this reason, Rocacorba Café, Rocacorba Foodtruck and Vallter Foodtruck closed their activity.
It has been difficult days, both globally in the face of the pandemic we are in, but also complicated for local businesses, which we had to stop suddenly, just as the spring and summer season began.
These are days to reflect, to think about our lifestyle, to see things with a different perspective that does not let you see everyday.

In these moments incredible people, like our dear friend Jan Frodeno, appear to transform the mentality of society, contributing to do a common good and support local, in times as difficult as we are living now. One day, after some messages via whatsapp, Jan Frodeno calls me and proposes something incredible, worthy of only legends.
- If we prepare burgers every day and bring them to the health staff of Trueta Hospital in Girona, to thank them for the great work they are doing?
I immediately answered yes. And the rest is history.
For two weeks, we brought them about 350 burgers, some vegetarian as Jan likes and some Rocacorba-style beef!

Thank you all for the support we received! Thanks Jan, you are amazing! See you back!

❌ El passat dia 14 de març es va decretar l'estat d'alarma a Catalunya a causa del Covid-19. Per aquest motiu, Rocacorba Cafè, Rocacorba Foodtruck i Vallter Foodtruck van tancar la seva activitat.
Han estat dies dificils, tant a nivell mundial davant la pandèmia en la qual ens trobem, però també complicats pels negocis locals, que hem hagut de parar de cop, just quan començava la temporada de primavera i estiu.
Són dies per reflexionar, fer plantejaments sobre el nostre estil vida, veure les coses amb una perspectiva diferent que el dia a dia no et deixa veure.
En aquests moments persones increïbles, com el nostre estimat amic Jan Frodeno, apareixen per transformar la mentalitat de la societat, aportant el seu granet de sorra per fer un bé comú, en moments tant dificils com els que estem vivint ara.
Un dia, després d'alguns missatges per whatsapp, Jan Frodeno em truca i em proposa algo increïble, digne només de llegendes.
- I si preparem hamburgueses cada dia i els portem al personal sanitari de l'Hospital Trueta de Girona, per agrarïr-los la gran tasca que estan realitzant?
De seguida li vaig respronde que si. I la resta és història.
Durant dos setmanes, els hi vam portar unes 350 hamburgueses, algunes vegetarianes com a en Jan li agraden i algunes de vedella a l'estil Rocacorba! Gràcies a tots pel suport rebut! Gràcies Jan! Ens veiem a la tornada!
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