20 marzo, 2019
Uns 60 ciclistes es van reunir diumenge passat, 17 de març al 1r Rocacorba Gran Fondo Gravel a Can Campolier de Porqueres, una espectacular masia del s.XV dels amics de Rocacorba Cycling, la família Moolman - Pasio.
Amb dos recorreguts per escollir, amb modalitat Track Adventure, és a dir, sense camins senyalitzats, simplement un track descarregat al GPS, els corredors s’havien d’orientar per les muntanyes de Rocacorba al llarg de quasi 70km fins a retornar a Can Campolier, on el Rocacorba Foodtruck els esperava per donar-los un avituallament final com es mereixen.
Col·laboradors: Tactic Sport, Eat Sleep Cycle, Rocacorba Cycling, Rocacorba Foodtruck.
About 60 cyclists met last Sunday, March 17 at the 1st Rocacorba Gran Fondo Gravel in Can Campolier of Porqueres, a spectacular farmhouse from the XV century owned by friends of Rocacorba Cycling, the Moolman - Pasio family.
With two routes to choose, with Track Adventure mode, that is, without signposted paths, just a track downloaded to the GPS, the runners had to travel through the mountains of Rocacorba over almost 70km until returning to Can Campolier , where Rocacorba Foodtruck was waiting for them to give them a final supply as they deserve.
Contributors: Tactic Sport, Eat Sleep Cycle, Rocacorba Cycling, Rocacorba Foodtruck.
Uns 60 ciclistes es van reunir diumenge passat, 17 de març al 1r Rocacorba Gran Fondo Gravel a Can Campolier de Porqueres, una espectacular masia del s.XV dels amics de Rocacorba Cycling, la família Moolman - Pasio.
Amb dos recorreguts per escollir, amb modalitat Track Adventure, és a dir, sense camins senyalitzats, simplement un track descarregat al GPS, els corredors s’havien d’orientar per les muntanyes de Rocacorba al llarg de quasi 70km fins a retornar a Can Campolier, on el Rocacorba Foodtruck els esperava per donar-los un avituallament final com es mereixen.
Col·laboradors: Tactic Sport, Eat Sleep Cycle, Rocacorba Cycling, Rocacorba Foodtruck.
About 60 cyclists met last Sunday, March 17 at the 1st Rocacorba Gran Fondo Gravel in Can Campolier of Porqueres, a spectacular farmhouse from the XV century owned by friends of Rocacorba Cycling, the Moolman - Pasio family.
With two routes to choose, with Track Adventure mode, that is, without signposted paths, just a track downloaded to the GPS, the runners had to travel through the mountains of Rocacorba over almost 70km until returning to Can Campolier , where Rocacorba Foodtruck was waiting for them to give them a final supply as they deserve.
Contributors: Tactic Sport, Eat Sleep Cycle, Rocacorba Cycling, Rocacorba Foodtruck.