March 01, 2019
Trail Rocacorba
El 20 de febrer va tenir lloc el mític Trail Rocacorba, organitzat per Klassmark. La primera cursa
de la temporada de la modalitat, es va disputar a Canet d’Adri i va reunir prop de 900
participants provinents de tot Catalunya, alguns del nivell de l’actual campió del món de Trail
Sky Extra, Pere Aurell. Les modalitats eren Marathon 38k +2200, Marathon per equips, Trail
30k +1700 i Express 20k +900. Rocacorba Foodtruck va donar suport a la cursa i a tots els
espectadors, des del Pavelló de Canet d’Adri. Excel·lent cursa.
On February 20th, took place the legendary Trail Rocacorba, organized by Klassmark. The first race
of the season of the modality, it was disputed in Canet d'Adri and reunited near 900
participants from all over Catalonia, some of the level of the current champion of the world of Trail
Sky Extra, Pere Aurell. The modalities were Marathon 38k +2200, Marathon for teams, Trail
30k +1700 and Express 20k +900. Rocacorba Foodtruck supported the race and all of them
spectators, from the Canet d'Adri Pavilion. Excellent race.
de la temporada de la modalitat, es va disputar a Canet d’Adri i va reunir prop de 900
participants provinents de tot Catalunya, alguns del nivell de l’actual campió del món de Trail
Sky Extra, Pere Aurell. Les modalitats eren Marathon 38k +2200, Marathon per equips, Trail
30k +1700 i Express 20k +900. Rocacorba Foodtruck va donar suport a la cursa i a tots els
espectadors, des del Pavelló de Canet d’Adri. Excel·lent cursa.
On February 20th, took place the legendary Trail Rocacorba, organized by Klassmark. The first race
of the season of the modality, it was disputed in Canet d'Adri and reunited near 900
participants from all over Catalonia, some of the level of the current champion of the world of Trail
Sky Extra, Pere Aurell. The modalities were Marathon 38k +2200, Marathon for teams, Trail
30k +1700 and Express 20k +900. Rocacorba Foodtruck supported the race and all of them
spectators, from the Canet d'Adri Pavilion. Excellent race.